Avic QTK6750TL (batch #291)
- Avic bus
- Chassis: XW6740A
- Engine: ISF3.8s5168
- Displacement (cc): 3760
- Power (kW): 125
- Passenger capacity: 10-23
A subsidiary of AVIC - The Aviation Industry Corporation of China, CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation.
AVIC Automobile Co., Ltd. is a located in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China. The product range includes electric bus, electric city bus, bus, city bus, electric passenger vehicle. The brand is Avic. There are 45 vehicles (26 models) made by AVIC Automobile Co., Ltd. found in the database.
Avic QTK6750TL (batch #291)
Avic QTK6750KFC (batch #290)
Avic QTK6750HC5F (batch #290)
Avic QTK6750KFQ (batch #289)
Avic QTK6750TL (batch #287)
Avic QTK6750HC5F (batch #285)
Avic QTK6750TL (batch #284)
Avic QTK6100HG (batch #284)
Avic QTK6810BEVH3F (batch #291)
Avic QTK6810BEVH2F (batch #291)
Avic QTK6750HLEV1 (batch #291)
Avic QTK6750HLEV (batch #291)
Avic QTK6810BEVH2F (batch #288)
Avic QTK6810BEVH1F (batch #288)
Avic QTK6750HLEV1 (batch #287)
Avic QTK6600BEVH1G (batch #287)
Avic QTK6800BEVH3G (batch #287)
Avic QTK6800BEVH2G (batch #287)
Avic QTK6800HLEV (batch #287)
Avic QTK6750HLEV (batch #287)
Avic QTK6810BEVG4F (batch #291)
Avic QTK6120GCEV (batch #289)
Avic QTK6810BEVG3F (batch #288)
Avic QTK6810BEVG1F (batch #288)
Avic QTK6850BEVG1G (batch #287)
Avic QTK6600BEVG1G (batch #287)
Avic QTK6700HGEV1 (batch #287)
Avic QTK6105BEVG1G (batch #287)
Avic QTK6700HGEV (batch #287)
Avic QTK6810BEVG2F (batch #285)
Avic QTK6850BEVG1G (batch #284)
Avic QTK6600BEVG1G (batch #284)
Company Name | AVIC Automobile Co., Ltd. | Company Type | |
City | Nantong | Street Address | Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, Lu Jing Village 10 Group 204 south of the national highway |
Province (Region) | Jiangsu Province | ||
Country | China | ||
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items) | 26 (45) |
A subsidiary of AVIC - The Aviation Industry Corporation of China, CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation.