Shanxi Yuanye Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Shanxi Yuanye Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a located in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China. The product range includes electric city bus, electric cargo van, electric bus, box van truck, bus, truck, electric passenger vehicle. The brand is . There are 14 vehicles (14 models) made by Shanxi Yuanye Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Electric passenger vehicle

Electric city bus

show all 9 models (9 items)

Electric bus

show all 1 model (1 item)


Box van truck

Electric cargo van

show all 4 models (4 items)

Company Profile

Shanxi Yuanye Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Company NameShanxi Yuanye Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityTaiyuanStreet AddressTaiyuan Shijiazhuang District Taiyuan Stainless Steel Industrial Park, Area B, Fengyuan Road on the 15th 4 office building 2
Province (Region)Shanxi Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)14 (14)