Jianghuan soft top box van truck

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(batch #205)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):9000/8700 × 2495 × 3600Axle loads (kg):5990/10000
Gross weight (kg):15990Speed (km/h):93
Cargo body (mm):6700/6300 × 2380 × 2100Overhang (mm):1380/2520, 1380/2570
Curb weight (kg):7095Seating capacity:3


(batch #205)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):9700/9400 × 2495 × 3700Axle loads (kg):5180/10150/4810
Gross weight (kg):20140Speed (km/h):96
Cargo body (mm):7200/6800 × 2380 × 2000Overhang (mm):1460/1840, 1460/1540
Curb weight (kg):10045Seating capacity:3


(batch #205)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970Axle loads (kg):6400/6400/11000/7200
Gross weight (kg):31000Speed (km/h):87
Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250Overhang (mm):1460/2385
Curb weight (kg):11545Seating capacity:3


(batch #204)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970Axle loads (kg):7000/7000/11000/6000
Gross weight (kg):31000Speed (km/h):95
Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250Overhang (mm):1460/1935
Curb weight (kg):11250Seating capacity:3


(batch #204)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):10995 × 2495 × 3950Axle loads (kg):4200/3940/8250
Gross weight (kg):16390Speed (km/h):88
Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2250Overhang (mm):1380/2915
Curb weight (kg):8195Seating capacity:3


(batch #204)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970Axle loads (kg):5200/5080/8780/5330
Gross weight (kg):24390Speed (km/h):87
Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250Overhang (mm):1500/1895
Curb weight (kg):12195Seating capacity:3


(batch #204)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):8620 × 2495 × 3600Axle loads (kg):5980/10000
Gross weight (kg):15980Speed (km/h):93
Cargo body (mm):6200 × 2380 × 2000Overhang (mm):1380/2540
Curb weight (kg):7990Seating capacity:3


(batch #204)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Dimensions (mm):8530 × 2320 × 3550Axle loads (kg):5200/7170
Gross weight (kg):12370Speed (km/h):92
Cargo body (mm):6300 × 2200 × 2000Overhang (mm):1250/2580
Curb weight (kg):6185Seating capacity:3


(batch #201)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1252MBWheelbase (mm):1700+4950
Engine:CA6DE3-22E3FDimensions (mm):10995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6618Gross weight (kg):25000
Power (kW):164Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #201)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1314MB1Wheelbase (mm):1700+4750+1300
Engine:YC6A240-33 / CA6DE3-24E3FDimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970
Displacement (cc):7255 / 6618Gross weight (kg):31000
Power (kW):177 / 179Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #199)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1251MBWheelbase (mm):1700+4750
Engine:CA6DE3-22E3FDimensions (mm):10300/10100 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6618Gross weight (kg):25000
Power (kW):164Cargo body (mm):7800/7600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #197)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1122MB1Wheelbase (mm):4700
Engine:YC4E160-33Dimensions (mm):8530 × 2320 × 3550
Displacement (cc):4260Gross weight (kg):12370
Power (kW):118Cargo body (mm):6300 × 2200 × 2000


(batch #197)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1201MB1Wheelbase (mm):1700+3950
Engine:YC6J220-33Dimensions (mm):10100/9800 × 2495 × 3900
Displacement (cc):6494Gross weight (kg):19850
Power (kW):162Cargo body (mm):7600/7200 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #195)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1162MBWheelbase (mm):4700
Engine:YC4E160-33Dimensions (mm):8620 × 2495 × 3600
Displacement (cc):4260Gross weight (kg):15980
Power (kW):118Cargo body (mm):6200 × 2380 × 2000


(batch #193)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1242MBWheelbase (mm):1700+3650+1350
Engine:CA6DE3-24E3FDimensions (mm):10995 × 2495 × 3970
Displacement (cc):6618Gross weight (kg):24490
Power (kW):179Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #193)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1160MBAWheelbase (mm):1700+3700
Engine:CA6DF3-18E3 / YC6J180-31...Dimensions (mm):8700 × 2495 × 3900/3650
Displacement (cc):6740 / 6500 / 6618...Gross weight (kg):16365
Power (kW):143 / 132 / 143 ...Cargo body (mm):6300 × 2380 × 2250/2000


(batch #191)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1240MTHBWheelbase (mm):1700+5600+1300
Engine:CA6DF3-24E3 / YC6A240-30...Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970
Displacement (cc):6740 / 7255 / 6618Gross weight (kg):24390
Power (kW):188 / 177 / 188Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #191)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1311MBWheelbase (mm):1700+4550+1350
Engine:YC6A240-30Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970
Displacement (cc):7255Gross weight (kg):31000
Power (kW):177Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #189)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1312MBWheelbase (mm):1700+5600+1300
Engine:YC6A240-30Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970
Displacement (cc):7255Gross weight (kg):31000
Power (kW):177Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #189)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1161MBWheelbase (mm):1950+4750
Engine:YC6J220-31 / CA6DF3-22E3...Dimensions (mm):10995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6500 / 6740 / 6494Gross weight (kg):16390
Power (kW):162 / 171 / 162Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #189)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1250MBWheelbase (mm):1700+5500
Engine:YC6J220-31Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3970
Displacement (cc):6500Gross weight (kg):25000
Power (kW):162Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #187)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1310MBWheelbase (mm):1700+5400+1350
Engine:WD615.92E / YC6A260-33Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3980
Displacement (cc):9726 / 7255Gross weight (kg):31000
Power (kW):196 / 191Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #164)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1200MBAWheelbase (mm):1700+5500
Engine:YC6J220-31 / CA6DF3-22E3Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6500 / 6740Gross weight (kg):20350
Power (kW):162 / 171Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2350 × 2250


(batch #164)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1240MBWheelbase (mm):1700+4550+1300
Engine:YC6A240-31 / CA6DF3-24E3Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7255 / 6740Gross weight (kg):24350
Power (kW):177 / 188Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2350 × 2250


(batch #153)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1200MWheelbase (mm):1700+5500
Engine:YC6J210-20 / YC6A240-20...Dimensions (mm):11990 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6494 / 7252 / 6557Gross weight (kg):20005
Power (kW):155 / 177 / 155Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #153)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1240MWheelbase (mm):1700+4550+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20 / CA6DF2-24Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7252 / 7127Gross weight (kg):24000
Power (kW):177 / 177Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #153)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1200MFWheelbase (mm):7050+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20 / YC6J210-20Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7252 / 6494Gross weight (kg):20005
Power (kW):177 / 155Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #153)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1240MFLWheelbase (mm):1700+5400+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7252Gross weight (kg):24000
Power (kW):177Cargo body (mm):9500 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #135)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1200MWheelbase (mm):1700+5500
Engine:YC6J210-20 / YC6A240-20...Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2480 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6494 / 7252 / 6557Gross weight (kg):20380
Power (kW):155 / 177 / 155Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #135)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1310MWheelbase (mm):1700+4550+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20 / CA6DF2-23Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2490 × 3970
Displacement (cc):7252 / 7127Gross weight (kg):31000
Power (kW):177 / 170Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #117)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ3042MJWheelbase (mm):3250
Engine:YF4105ZLQDimensions (mm):5990 × 2260 × 3150
Displacement (cc):4087Gross weight (kg):4280
Power (kW):96Cargo body (mm):3800 × 2150 × 1950


(batch #115)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1200MSWheelbase (mm):6050+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20 / YC6J210-20Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7252 / 6494Gross weight (kg):20005
Power (kW):177 / 155Cargo body (mm):9500 × 2380 × 2250


(batch #109)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1090MWheelbase (mm):4500, 3950, 4700, 5000
Engine:YC4D130-20 / YC4E150-20Dimensions (mm):8000 × 2260 × 3550
Displacement (cc):4214 / 4257Gross weight (kg):9490
Power (kW):96 / 110Cargo body (mm):5900 × 2150 × 2050


(batch #105)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1081MJWheelbase (mm):4500
Engine:YC6J140-21 / YC4E150-20Dimensions (mm):8000 × 2480 × 3650
Displacement (cc):6494 / 4257Gross weight (kg):8450
Power (kW):105 / 110Cargo body (mm):5800 × 2380 × 2350


(batch #105)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1163MWheelbase (mm):6350+1300
Engine:YC6J230-20 / CA6DF2-23Dimensions (mm):11000 × 2490 × 3900
Displacement (cc):6494 / 7127Gross weight (kg):16000
Power (kW):170 / 170Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #100)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1162MWheelbase (mm):1700+5000
Engine:YC6J230-20 / CA6DF2-23Dimensions (mm):11000 × 2490 × 3850
Displacement (cc):6494 / 7127Gross weight (kg):16000
Power (kW):170 / 170Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #100)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1161MWheelbase (mm):5300+1300
Engine:YC6J230-20 / CA6DF2-23Dimensions (mm):11000 × 2490 × 3850
Displacement (cc):6494 / 7127Gross weight (kg):16000
Power (kW):170 / 170Cargo body (mm):8600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #97)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1160MJWheelbase (mm):4850+1300
Engine:YC6J230-20 / CA6DF2-23Dimensions (mm):10480 × 2490 × 3950
Displacement (cc):6494 / 7127Gross weight (kg):16000
Power (kW):170 / 170Cargo body (mm):8000 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #97)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1120MWheelbase (mm):5100
Engine:YC6J170-21 / YC4E160-20...Dimensions (mm):9000 × 2480 × 3650
Displacement (cc):6494 / 4257 / 4750...Gross weight (kg):12100
Power (kW):125 / 118 / 117 ...Cargo body (mm):6800 × 2380 × 2350


(batch #97)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1110MWheelbase (mm):4500
Engine:YC6J160-21 / CY6102BZLQ...Dimensions (mm):8000 × 2480 × 3650
Displacement (cc):6494 / 5785 / 4257Gross weight (kg):11490
Power (kW):118 / 107 / 118Cargo body (mm):6150 × 2380 × 2350


(batch #94)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:HY1230MWheelbase (mm):6050+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20 / YC6G270-20...Dimensions (mm):11990 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7252 / 7800Gross weight (kg):23765
Power (kW):177 / 199Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #94)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:HY1200MWheelbase (mm):6050+1300
Engine:YC6A240-20Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3950
Displacement (cc):7252Gross weight (kg):20760
Power (kW):177Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #94)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1080MWheelbase (mm):4500, 4700, 5000
Engine:YC4E150-20 / YC6J180-20...Dimensions (mm):7990 × 2480/2260 × 3530/34...
Displacement (cc):4257 / 6494 / 5785Gross weight (kg):8170
Power (kW):110 / 132 / 120Cargo body (mm):5800 × 2380/2150 × 2250


(batch #94)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:HY1280MWheelbase (mm):1950+4350+1300
Engine:YC6G285-20Dimensions (mm):11995 × 2495 × 3960
Displacement (cc):7800Gross weight (kg):28660
Power (kW):210Cargo body (mm):9600 × 2380 × 2500


(batch #57)

Jianghuan box van truck with soft canopy top manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Ganzhou River Central Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Chassis:FJ1041MWheelbase (mm):4100
Engine:CA4D32-12 / YC4D120-20Dimensions (mm):7000 × 2260 × 3350
Displacement (cc):3168 / 4214Gross weight (kg):4495
Power (kW):88 / 90Cargo body (mm):4720 × 2100 × 1950