Shenglu SLT5043XYCX1S Cash transit van (#269)
Shenglu cash transit van SLT5043XYCX1S (batch #269) based on HFC6491KM1DF chassis is made in China by Chongqing Jinguan Automobile Manufacture Co., Ltd. The company is located in Zhongqing, in Chongqing Municipality, China.

Model | SLT5043XYCX1S |
Brand Name | Shenglu |
Bulletin | #269 |
Type of vehicle | Cash transit van |
Country of origin | China |
Chassis | HFC6491KM1DF |
Manufacturer Profile
Manufacturer | Chongqing Jinguan Automobile Manufacture Co., Ltd. |
Brands | |
Type of manufacturer | Commercial vehicle manufacturer |
City | Zhongqing |
Province (Region) | Chongqing Municipality |
Country | China |
Number of vehicles* | 370 models (771 items total) |
* A number of models manufactured by Chongqing Jinguan Automobile Manufacture Co., Ltd. found in vehicle database |
Technical specifications
Performance | ||||
Maximum speed | 135 km/h | 84 mph | ||
ABS | optional |
Capacity | ||||
Rated load capacity | 535 kg, 470 kg | 0.5 t, 0.5 t | 1,179 lbs, 1,036 lbs | |
Passenger capacity (including driver) | 5, 6 |
Weights and Ground pressure | ||||
Curb weight | 2650 kg | 2.7 t | 5,842 lbs | |
Gross vehicle weight rating | 3510 kg | 3.5 t | 7,738 lbs | |
Axle load distribution | 1580 kg / 1930 kg 1.6 t / 1.9 t 3,483 lbs / 4,255 lbs |
Dimensions | ||||
Overall length | 4900 mm / 5000 mm / 5080 mm / 5120 mm / 5200 mm | 16′1″ / 16′5″ / 16′8″ / 16′10″ / 17′1″ | ||
Overall width | 2080 mm | 6′10″ | ||
Overall height | 2340 mm / 2390 mm / 2180 mm / 2230 mm | 7′9″ / 7′11″ / 7′2″ / 7′4″ |
Undercarriage and Suspension | ||||
Front/rear overhang | 965 mm / 975 mm, 965 mm / 1075 mm, 965 mm / 1155 mm, 1085 mm / 1075 mm, 1085 mm / 1155 mm | 3′2″ / 3′3″, 3′2″ / 3′7″, 3′2″ / 3′10″, 3′7″ / 3′7″, 3′7″ / 3′10″ | ||
Approach / departure angle | 19 / 18, 18 / 17 deg. |
Additional Information
1. Two optional front bumper and rear bumper style a style crash bumpers, after stepping two styles; two optional manual electric sunroof; With the optional chassis rear bumper and wheel arches; 2. reference car front suspension 965mm, rear overhang 975mm, total length 4900mm, approach angle of 19 degrees, departure angle of 18 degrees; 3. When the optional front bumper bumper, front overhang 1085mm, approach angle of 18 degrees, the optional rear bumper crash when the rear overhang 1075mm, departure angle of 17 degrees; after stepping optional, rear overhang 1155mm;. 4 Elected loading manual sunroof, vehicle height 2390mm;. 5 when the rated capacity for 6 people, carrying the quality of 470Kg; 6. After the bumper with optional chassis alone when the total length of 5000mm, a separate option after stepping total length 5080mm; 7