Qixing QX5090XKC Investigation team car (#286)

Qixing investigation team car QX5090XKC (batch #286) based on QL10909MARY chassis is made in China by Hubei Qixing Truck And Cabin Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The company is located in Suizhou, in Hubei Province, China.

Qixing QX5090XKC investigation team car


Qixing QX5090XKC investigation team car Qixing QX5090XKC investigation team car Qixing QX5090XKC investigation team car Qixing QX5090XKC investigation team car Qixing QX5090XKC investigation team car
Brand NameQixing
Type of vehicleInvestigation team car
  • LWLDAR9K×××××××××
Country of originChina
Manufacturer Profile
Type of manufacturerAutomobile manufacturer
Province (Region)Hubei Province
Number of vehicles*149 models
(368 items total)
* A number of models manufactured by Hubei Qixing Truck And Cabin Manufacturing Co., Ltd. found in vehicle database
Technical specifications
#Engine modelEngine displacementEngine powerEngine manufacturer
14HK1-TCG405193 cc5.2 L317 cu in139 kW189 hpIsuzu Qingling (Chongqing) Engine Co., Ltd.
Fueldiesel fuel
Environmental standard
Maximum speed98 km/h61 mph
Weights and Ground pressure
Curb weight9215 kg9.2 t20,316 lbs
Gross vehicle weight rating9410 kg9.4 t20,745 lbs
Axle load distribution3150 kg / 6260 kg
3.2 t / 6.3 t
6,945 lbs / 13,801 lbs
Overall length8110 mm / 8360 mm26′8″ / 27′6″
Overall width2330 mm / 2500 mm7′8″ / 8′3″
Overall height3310 mm / 3455 mm / 3550 mm / 3850 mm10′11″ / 11′5″ / 11′8″ / 12′8″
Undercarriage and Suspension
Number of axles2
Wheelbase4475 mm14′9″
Front track1680 mm5′7″
Rear track1650 mm5′5″
Front/rear overhang1110 mm / 2525 mm,
1110 mm / 2775 mm
3′8″ / 8′4″,
3′8″ / 9′2″
Angle of approach21°
Angle of departure10°
Leaf springs8 / 10+6
Tyres and Wheels
Number of tyres6
Tyres dimension8.25-16-14PR, 8.25R16-14PR
Seating capacity3
Steering controlsteering wheel
Additional Information

1. The body can be sprayed or pasted promotional text, logos, or enclosed on both sides of the body can increase some of the windows, doors, doors, doors, windows, door number and position can be adjusted as needed. 2. Dedicated devices: camera, LED screen, air conditioning, automotive mobile lighting equipment, power systems, space lights, awnings. 3. The top optional fence (vehicle height 3455mm), LED screen, air conditioning (LED display optional one or both sides, the vehicle height 3550mm), mobile vehicle lighting device (stowed while driving the vehicle height 3550mm) , camera (vehicle height 3850mm), the top of the vehicle when no optional high 3310mm; after optional rear ladder (vehicle length 8360mm), after a single door; optional side awning (vehicle width 2500mm); optional