Trailer Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


(batch #288)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):31000Gross weight (kg):38620
Fifth wheel (kg):15570Cargo body (mm):11800/11300 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):6450+1305+1305, 6050+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7620
Dimensions (mm):12100/11600 × 2500 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23050


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):28000Gross weight (kg):35400
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12800/12420 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):7400
Dimensions (mm):13000/12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/22580


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):31000Gross weight (kg):38620
Fifth wheel (kg):15570Cargo body (mm):11800/11300 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):6450+1305+1305, 6050+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7620
Dimensions (mm):12100/11600 × 2500 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23050


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):30000Gross weight (kg):37980
Fifth wheel (kg):14230Cargo body (mm):12800 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305, 6960+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7980
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23750


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):19800Gross weight (kg):25780
Fifth wheel (kg):11340Cargo body (mm):9800 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):5980
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/14440 (并装二轴)


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):33000Gross weight (kg):39980
Fifth wheel (kg):16480Cargo body (mm):12800 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6980
Dimensions (mm):12990 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/23500


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):33000Gross weight (kg):39920
Fifth wheel (kg):16690Cargo body (mm):12300 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6920
Dimensions (mm):12490 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/23230


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):28000Gross weight (kg):34400
Fifth wheel (kg):16450Cargo body (mm):9800 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):6400
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/17950


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):32500Gross weight (kg):39700
Fifth wheel (kg):16570Cargo body (mm):12420 × 600 × 2300
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7200
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23130


(batch #239)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Rated capacity (kg):30000Gross weight (kg):37900
Fifth wheel (kg):14030Cargo body (mm):12420 × 600 × 2350
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7900
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23870


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12800/12420 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):7400
Dimensions (mm):13000/12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/22580
Gross weight (kg):35400Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):15570Cargo body (mm):11800/11300 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6450+1305+1305, 6050+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7620
Dimensions (mm):12100/11600 × 2500 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23050
Gross weight (kg):38620Tyres:10.00R2012PR, 11.00-2012PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14230Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305, 6960+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7980
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23750
Gross weight (kg):37980Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):11340Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):5980
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/14440 (并装二轴)
Gross weight (kg):25780Tyres:10.00-2012PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16480Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6980
Dimensions (mm):12990 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/23500
Gross weight (kg):39980Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16450Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):6400
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/17950
Gross weight (kg):34400Tyres:11.00R2014PR, 12.00-2014PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16570Cargo body (mm):12420 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7200
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23130
Gross weight (kg):39700Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #227)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14030Cargo body (mm):12420 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7900
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23870
Gross weight (kg):37900Tyres:11.00R2012PR


(batch #225)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16690Cargo body (mm):12300 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6920
Dimensions (mm):12490 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/23230
Gross weight (kg):39920Tyres:10.00R2012PR, 11.00-2012PR...


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12800/12420 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):7400
Dimensions (mm):13000/12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/22580
Gross weight (kg):35400Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):15570Cargo body (mm):11800/11300 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6450+1305+1305, 6050+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7620
Dimensions (mm):12100/11600 × 2500 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23050
Gross weight (kg):38620Tyres:10.00R2012PR, 11.00-2012PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):11340Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):5980
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/14440 (并装二轴)
Gross weight (kg):25780Tyres:10.00-2012PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16480Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6980
Dimensions (mm):12990 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/23500
Gross weight (kg):39980Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16450Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):6400
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/17950
Gross weight (kg):34400Tyres:11.00R2014PR, 12.00-2014PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16570Cargo body (mm):12420 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7200
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23130
Gross weight (kg):39700Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14030Cargo body (mm):12420 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7900
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23870
Gross weight (kg):37900Tyres:11.00R2012PR


(batch #223)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14230Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305, 6960+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7980
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):-/23750
Gross weight (kg):37980Tyres:11.00-2012PR


(batch #190)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):11340Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):5980
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):-/14440 (并装二轴)
Gross weight (kg):25780Tyres:10.00-20, 10.00R20


(batch #190)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):13120Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6990
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):18170
Gross weight (kg):31290Tyres:10.00-20, 10.00R20


(batch #190)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12400/12300 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6950
Dimensions (mm):12620/12490 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):18430
Gross weight (kg):31250Tyres:10.00-20, 10.00R20


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16450Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):6400
Dimensions (mm):9990 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):17950
Gross weight (kg):34400Tyres:11.00-20, 10.00-20


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16690Cargo body (mm):12300 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6920
Dimensions (mm):12490 × 2496 × 2570Tyres:12.00-20
Gross weight (kg):39920Number of axles:3


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14030Cargo body (mm):12400/12300 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):7900
Dimensions (mm):12620/12490 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):23870
Gross weight (kg):37900Tyres:10.00-20


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):6400Cargo body (mm):9200 × 2290 × 550
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1300Curb weight (kg):4500
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2496 × 2620Tyres:10.00-20, 11.00-20
Gross weight (kg):19500Number of axles:2


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14230Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):7980
Dimensions (mm):12990 × 2496 × 2570Axle loads (kg):23750
Gross weight (kg):37980Tyres:10.00-20


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12400/12300 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6950
Dimensions (mm):12620/12490 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):18430
Gross weight (kg):31250Tyres:10.00-20


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):11340Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):5980
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):14440 (并装二轴)
Gross weight (kg):25780Tyres:10.00-20


(batch #167)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):13120Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6990
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2500 × 2570Axle loads (kg):18170
Gross weight (kg):31290Tyres:10.00-20


(batch #154)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12800/12420 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):7400
Dimensions (mm):13000/12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):22580
Gross weight (kg):35400Tyres:11.00-20, 11.00R20, 12.00-...


(batch #154)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14230Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305, 6960+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7980
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):23750
Gross weight (kg):37980Tyres:11.00-20, 11.00R20, 12.00-...


(batch #154)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):15570Cargo body (mm):11800/11300 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6450+1305+1305, 6050+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7620
Dimensions (mm):12100/11600 × 2500 × 2630Axle loads (kg):23050
Gross weight (kg):38620Tyres:10.00-20, 10.00R20, 11.00-...


(batch #150)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):14030Cargo body (mm):12420 × 2350 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7900
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):23870
Gross weight (kg):37900Tyres:11.00-20, 11.00R20, 12.00-...


(batch #150)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):13120Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305, 6960+1305+...Curb weight (kg):6990
Dimensions (mm):13000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):18170
Gross weight (kg):31290Tyres:12.00-20, 12.00R20, 11.00-...


(batch #150)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16450Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):6400
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):17950
Gross weight (kg):34400Tyres:12.00-20, 12.00R20, 11.00-...


(batch #150)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):11340Cargo body (mm):9800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):5700+1305Curb weight (kg):5980
Dimensions (mm):10000 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):14440
Gross weight (kg):25780Tyres:12.00-20, 12.00R20, 11.00-...


(batch #150)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):12820Cargo body (mm):12400 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):6950
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):18430
Gross weight (kg):31250Tyres:12.00-20, 12.00R20, 11.00-...


(batch #150)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16570Cargo body (mm):12420 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):6960+1305+1305, 6620+1305+...Curb weight (kg):7200
Dimensions (mm):12620 × 2496 × 2630Axle loads (kg):23130
Gross weight (kg):39700Tyres:11.00-20, 11.00R20, 12.00-...


(batch #142)

Zhangtuo semi-trailer manufactured in China
Manufacturer:Zhangjiakou Dadi Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
Fifth wheel (kg):16480Cargo body (mm):12800 × 2300 × 600
Wheelbase (mm):7300+1305+1305Curb weight (kg):6980
Dimensions (mm):12990 × 2496 × 2570Tyres:12.00-20, 12.00R20, 11.00-...
Gross weight (kg):39980Number of axles:3