Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. (AsiaStar)

Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. (AsiaStar) is an automobile manufacturer located in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. The product range includes bus, cargo and passenger van, motorhome, box van truck, truck, special purpose vehicle, public service vehicle. The brand is AsiaStar Yaxing Wertstar logo . There are 21 vehicles (15 models) made by Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. (AsiaStar) found in the database.


show all 12 models (18 items)


Box van truck

show all 1 model (1 item)

Cargo and passenger van

show all 1 model (1 item)

Special purpose vehicle

Public service vehicle


show all 1 model (1 item)

Company Profile

Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. (AsiaStar)

Company NameWeichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. (AsiaStar)Company TypeAutomobile manufacturer
CityYangzhouStreet AddressJiang Yang Road, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, No. 155
Province (Region)Jiangsu ProvincePostcode (ZIP code)225001
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)15 (21)Fax0514-87708386