Urumqi Longsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Urumqi Longsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a located in Urumqi City, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. The product range includes cryogenic liquid tank truck, cryogenic liquid tank semi-trailer, trailer, special purpose vehicle, special transport vehicle, other vehicle, petrochemical trailer. The brand is . There are 5 vehicles (2 models) made by Urumqi Longsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Petrochemical trailer

Cryogenic liquid tank semi-trailer

show all 1 model (2 items)

Special purpose vehicle

Special transport vehicle

Other vehicle

Cryogenic liquid tank truck
show all 1 model (3 items)

Company Profile

Urumqi Longsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Company NameUrumqi Longsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityUrumqiStreet Address32 Urumqi Toutunhe Industrial Park Silver Spring Street
Province (Region)Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)2 (5)