Sichuan Yuecheng Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Yuecheng Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. is an automobile manufacturer located in Anyue City, Sichuan Province, China. The product range includes low-speed dump truck, dump truck. The brand is . There are 20 vehicles (12 models) made by Sichuan Yuecheng Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Dump truck

Low-speed dump truck

show all 12 models (20 items)

Company Profile

Sichuan Yuecheng Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd.

Company NameSichuan Yuecheng Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd.Company TypeAutomobile manufacturer
CityAnyueStreet AddressYueyang Town Street Anyue
Province (Region)Sichuan ProvincePostcode (ZIP code)642350
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)12 (20)Fax(0832)4584333