Rongcheng Shuangqing Haishan Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd.

Rongcheng Shuangqing Haishan Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. is a located in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province, China. The product range includes passenger tricycle, cargo moto three-wheeler, truck, three-wheeler (tricar). The brand is . There are 7 vehicles (6 models) made by Rongcheng Shuangqing Haishan Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Three-wheeler (tricar)

Passenger tricycle

show all 4 models (4 items)

Cargo moto three-wheeler

show all 2 models (3 items)

Company Profile

Rongcheng Shuangqing Haishan Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd.

Company NameRongcheng Shuangqing Haishan Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityRongchengStreet AddressPut on the 8th South Road, Rongcheng City, Shandong Province
Province (Region)Shandong Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)6 (7)