Nanyang Longteng Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Nanyang Longteng Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a located in Nanyang City, Henan Province, China. The product range includes cryogenic liquid tank semi-trailer, trailer, petrochemical trailer. The brand is . There are 2 vehicles (2 models) made by Nanyang Longteng Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Petrochemical trailer

Cryogenic liquid tank semi-trailer

show all 2 models (2 items)

Company Profile

Nanyang Longteng Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Company NameNanyang Longteng Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityNanyangStreet AddressNanyang City, high-tech industrial zone on the 1st Park (South Road and Wei Road intersection)
Province (Region)Henan Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)2 (2)