Jiangxi Jiangling Group Light Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Jiangxi Jiangling Group Light Vehicle Co., Ltd. is a located in Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China. The product range includes pickup truck, box van truck, pickup truck chassis, stake truck, light truck, driver training vehicle, light truck chassis, breakdown vehicle, cargo truck, maintenance vehicle, emergency rescue vehicle, truck, special purpose vehicle, public service vehicle, chassis. The brands are: , . There are 141 vehicles (53 models) made by Jiangxi Jiangling Group Light Vehicle Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Box van truck

show all 18 models (36 items)

Stake truck

show all 4 models (7 items)


Pickup truck chassis

show all 6 models (16 items)

Light truck chassis

show all 0 models (4 items)

Cargo truck

Light truck

show all 4 models (6 items)
Pickup truck
show all 16 models (66 items)

Special purpose vehicle

Public service vehicle

Driver training vehicle

show all 4 models (5 items)

Emergency rescue vehicle

Maintenance vehicle

Breakdown vehicle
show all 1 model (1 item)

Company Profile

Jiangxi Jiangling Group Light Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Company NameJiangxi Jiangling Group Light Vehicle Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityFuzhouStreet AddressFuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Zhong Ling Road, No. 318
Province (Region)Jiangxi Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)53 (141)