FAW Liuzhou Automobile Co. Ltd.

FAW Liuzhou Automobile Co. Ltd. is a located in Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The product range includes dump truck, box van truck, stake truck, wing van truck, livestock transport truck, car transport truck, off-road dump truck, vehicle transport trailer, trailer, truck, special purpose vehicle, special transport vehicle, other vehicle. The brand is FAW Liute Shenli logo . There are 179 vehicles (77 models) made by FAW Liuzhou Automobile Co. Ltd. found in the database.

Dump truck

show all 47 models (107 items)

Off-road dump truck

show all 1 model (1 item)


Box van truck

show all 11 models (26 items)

Wing van truck

show all 8 models (17 items)

Stake truck

show all 6 models (20 items)


Vehicle transport trailer

show all 1 model (1 item)

Special purpose vehicle

Special transport vehicle

Livestock transport truck

show all 2 models (5 items)

Other vehicle

Car transport truck
show all 1 model (2 items)

Company Profile

FAW Liuzhou Automobile Co. Ltd.

Company NameFAW Liuzhou Automobile Co. Ltd.Company Type
CityLiuzhouStreet Address26 Liuzhou social Bay Road
Province (Region)Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)77 (179)