Chongqing Zongshen Three-wheeled Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Zongshen Three-wheeled Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a located in Zhongqing City, Chongqing Municipality, China. The product range includes cargo moto three-wheeler, cab cargo moto three-wheeler, passenger tricycle, auto rickshaw tricycle, three-wheeler (tricar), truck. The brands are: , . There are 49 vehicles (7 models) made by Chongqing Zongshen Three-wheeled Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Three-wheeler (tricar)

show all 0 models (2 items)

Cargo moto three-wheeler

show all 1 model (24 items)
Cab cargo moto three-wheeler
show all 5 models (17 items)

Passenger tricycle

show all 1 model (3 items)
Auto rickshaw tricycle
show all 0 models (3 items)

Company Profile

Chongqing Zongshen Three-wheeled Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Company NameChongqing Zongshen Three-wheeled Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityZhongqingStreet AddressNo. 366 Chongqing Bishan County towns Choi Revenge Road
Province (Region)Chongqing Municipality
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)7 (49)