Changsha Jinyang Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Sunow)

Changsha Jinyang Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Sunow) is a located in Changsha City, Hunan Province, China. The product range includes maintenance vehicle, command vehicle, aerial work platform truck, emergency rescue vehicle, special purpose vehicle, police vehicle, special transport vehicle. The brand is . There are 4 vehicles (4 models) made by Changsha Jinyang Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Sunow) found in the database.

Special purpose vehicle

Special transport vehicle

Police vehicle

Command vehicle
show all 1 model (1 item)

Emergency rescue vehicle

Maintenance vehicle

show all 2 models (2 items)

Aerial work platform truck

show all 1 model (1 item)

Company Profile

Changsha Jinyang Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Sunow)

Company NameChangsha Jinyang Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Sunow)Company Type
CityChangshaStreet AddressWithin Langli Town Changsha County Industrial Park
Province (Region)Hunan Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)4 (4)