Beijing Sanxing Automobile Co., Ltd.

Beijing Sanxing Automobile Co., Ltd. is an automobile and off-road vehicle manufacturer located in Beijing City, Beijing Municipality, China. The product range includes oil tank truck, aerial work platform truck, street sprinkler truck, dump truck, logging truck, motorhome, oil tank trailer, truck mounted loader crane, sprinkler machine (water tank truck), breakdown vehicle, chemical liquid tank truck, street sweeper truck, well test truck, sewage suction truck, chemical liquid tank trailer, etc. The brand is . There are 456 vehicles (221 models) made by Beijing Sanxing Automobile Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Dump truck

show all 16 models (20 items)


Truck mounted loader crane

show all 3 models (12 items)


Stake trailer

show all 1 model (4 items)

Petrochemical trailer

Oil tank trailer

show all 3 models (14 items)

Chemical liquid tank trailer

show all 1 model (6 items)

Bulk cargo trailer

Bulk powder trailer

show all 1 model (4 items)

Special purpose vehicle

Oilfield special vehicle

Other oilfield special vehicle

Logging truck
show all 14 models (18 items)
Well test truck
show all 6 models (7 items)

Vertical mounting derrick truck

Derrick test truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Public service vehicle


show all 8 models (14 items)

Food waste truck

show all 1 model (1 item)
Cooking oil waste truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Special transport vehicle

Oil tank truck

show all 76 models (182 items)
Fuel tank truck
show all 2 models (3 items)
Aluminium oil tank trailer
show all 1 model (2 items)

Chemical liquid tank truck

show all 2 models (7 items)

Other vehicle

Liquid food transport tank truck
show all 1 model (2 items)
Milk tank truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Police vehicle

Monitoring vehicle
show all 3 models (5 items)
Command vehicle
show all 1 model (1 item)

Waste truck

Garbage truck
show all 2 models (2 items)
Dump garbage truck
show all 1 model (1 item)
Garbage compactor truck
show all 1 model (1 item)
Skip loader truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Media and communication vehicle

Communication vehicle

show all 2 models (3 items)

Mobile stage van truck

Show and exhibition vehicle
show all 1 model (1 item)

Road and bridge construction vehicle

Pavement maintenance truck

show all 1 model (1 item)

Concrete pump truck

show all 1 model (1 item)

Concrete mixer

Concrete mixer truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Asphalt distributor truck

Cement spreader truck
show all 1 model (2 items)

Municipal sanitation truck

Street sprinkler truck

show all 7 models (20 items)
Street sweeper truck
show all 7 models (7 items)

Sprinkler machine (water tank truck)

show all 2 models (10 items)
Water tank truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Sewage suction truck

show all 3 models (6 items)

Emergency rescue vehicle

Aerial work platform truck

show all 39 models (74 items)

Maintenance vehicle

show all 1 model (1 item)
Breakdown vehicle
show all 3 models (10 items)

Emergency vehicle

Engineering rescue works vehicle
show all 2 models (4 items)

Company Profile

Beijing Sanxing Automobile Co., Ltd.

Company NameBeijing Sanxing Automobile Co., Ltd.Company TypeAutomobile and off-road vehicle manufacturer
CityBeijingStreet AddressFengtai District, one in the 15th Village
Province (Region)Beijing MunicipalityPostcode (ZIP code)100070
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)221 (456)Fax(010)63716231