Beijing PanNi Aerial Equipment Co., Ltd.

Beijing PanNi Aerial Equipment Co., Ltd. is an automobile manufacturer located in Beijing City, Beijing Municipality, China. The product range includes aerial work platform truck, emergency rescue vehicle, special purpose vehicle. The brand is . There are 60 vehicles (29 models) made by Beijing PanNi Aerial Equipment Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Special purpose vehicle

Emergency rescue vehicle

Aerial work platform truck

show all 29 models (60 items)

Company Profile

Beijing PanNi Aerial Equipment Co., Ltd.

Company NameBeijing PanNi Aerial Equipment Co., Ltd.Company TypeAutomobile manufacturer
CityBeijingStreet AddressBanbidian Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing No. 9
Province (Region)Beijing MunicipalityPostcode (ZIP code)101149
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)29 (60)Fax(010)81563668