Zhengzhou Boge Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Zhengzhou Boge Vehicle Co., Ltd. is a located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China. The product range includes bridge inspection vehicle, concrete mixer truck, pneumatic unloading bulk cement truck, inspection vehicle, bulk powder tank truck, special purpose vehicle, road and bridge construction vehicle, police vehicle, special transport vehicle, concrete mixer. The brand is . There are 6 vehicles (6 models) made by Zhengzhou Boge Vehicle Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Special purpose vehicle

Special transport vehicle

Police vehicle

Inspection vehicle
Bridge inspection vehicle
show all 2 models (2 items)

Bulk powder tank truck

Pneumatic unloading bulk cement truck
show all 2 models (2 items)

Road and bridge construction vehicle

Concrete mixer

Concrete mixer truck
show all 2 models (2 items)

Company Profile

Zhengzhou Boge Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Company NameZhengzhou Boge Vehicle Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityZhengzhouStreet AddressZhengzhou City Zhongmu County Auto Industrial Park Kang Ping Road West, Wei four road south
Province (Region)Henan Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)6 (6)