Tianjin Tiangong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Tiangong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. is a located in Tianjin City, Tianjin Municipality, China. The product range includes street sprinkler truck, special purpose vehicle, municipal sanitation truck. The brand is . There are 5 vehicles (3 models) made by Tianjin Tiangong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Special purpose vehicle

Municipal sanitation truck

Street sprinkler truck

show all 3 models (5 items)

Company Profile

Tianjin Tiangong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd.

Company NameTianjin Tiangong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityTianjinStreet AddressTianjin Huayuan Industrial Zone Haitai North and South Avenue on the 5th of the third factory
Province (Region)Tianjin Municipality
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)3 (5)