Qiannan Shandi Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Qiannan Shandi Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a vehicle manufacturer located in Duyun City, Guizhou Province, China. The product range includes low-speed dump truck, low-speed vehicle, low-speed stake truck, dump truck, cargo truck, stake truck, truck. The brand is . There are 41 vehicles (27 models) made by Qiannan Shandi Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Cargo truck

Low-speed vehicle

(batch #249)

  • Shandi low-speed vehicle
  • Rated capacity (kg): 800
  • Gross weight (kg): 2705
  • Cargo body (mm): 2400 × 360 × 1650
  • Wheelbase (mm): 3000
  • Dimensions (mm): 5200 × 1750 × 2100

(batch #249)

  • Shandi low-speed vehicle
  • Rated capacity (kg): 990
  • Gross weight (kg): 2610
  • Cargo body (mm): 3100 × 360 × 1650
  • Wheelbase (mm): 3000
  • Dimensions (mm): 5050 × 1750 × 2100
show all 2 models (4 items)

Stake truck

Low-speed stake truck

show all 1 model (2 items)

Dump truck

Low-speed dump truck

show all 24 models (35 items)

Company Profile

Qiannan Shandi Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Company NameQiannan Shandi Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Company TypeVehicle manufacturer
CityDuyunStreet AddressDuyun City of Guizhou Province
Province (Region)Guizhou ProvincePostcode (ZIP code)558004
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)27 (41)Fax0854-832198