Gansu Hongteng Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Gansu Hongteng Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a located in Dingxi City, Gansu Province, China. The product range includes sand blender truck, fracturing truck, oilfield special vehicle, special purpose vehicle. The brand is . There are 2 vehicles (2 models) made by Gansu Hongteng Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Special purpose vehicle

Oilfield special vehicle

Fracturing truck

show all 1 model (1 item)
Sand blender truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Company Profile

Gansu Hongteng Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Company NameGansu Hongteng Oil & Gas Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Company Type
CityDingxiStreet AddressDingxi City, Gansu Province, Longxi County, the eastern outskirts of Wangjiaping on the 1st
Province (Region)Gansu Province
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)2 (2)