Chongqing Jiangwei Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jiangwei Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is a special vehicle manufacturer located in Zhongqing City, Chongqing Municipality, China. The product range includes concrete mixer truck, dump truck, special purpose vehicle, road and bridge construction vehicle, concrete mixer. The brand is . There are 2 vehicles (2 models) made by Chongqing Jiangwei Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. found in the database.

Dump truck

(batch #272)

  • Maidewei dump truck
  • Chassis: SX3256DR3841
  • Engine: WP10.300E40; WP10.336E40; WP12.336E40; ISM11...
  • Displacement (cc): 9726; 9726; 11596; 10800; 9726; 9...
  • Power (kW): 221; 247; 247; 250; 228; 257; 276; 276; 280
  • Rated capacity (kg): 12470
show all 1 model (1 item)

Special purpose vehicle

Road and bridge construction vehicle

Concrete mixer

Concrete mixer truck
show all 1 model (1 item)

Company Profile

Chongqing Jiangwei Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Company NameChongqing Jiangwei Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.Company TypeSpecial vehicle manufacturer
CityZhongqingStreet AddressChongqing Jiangbei District 31 Yuzui mayor and road
Province (Region)Chongqing MunicipalityPostcode (ZIP code)401133
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)2 (2)Fax023-61967533