Beijing Jian'ante Engineering Co., Ltd.

Beijing Jian'ante Engineering Co., Ltd. is an automobile and off-road vehicle manufacturer located in Beijing City, Beijing Municipality, China. The product range includes cryogenic liquid tank semi-trailer, trailer, petrochemical trailer. The brand is . There are 2 vehicles (0 models) made by Beijing Jian'ante Engineering Co., Ltd. found in the database.


Petrochemical trailer

Cryogenic liquid tank semi-trailer

show all 0 models (2 items)

Company Profile

Beijing Jian'ante Engineering Co., Ltd.

Company NameBeijing Jian'ante Engineering Co., Ltd.Company TypeAutomobile and off-road vehicle manufacturer
CityBeijingStreet AddressTongzhou District of Beijing on the 25th Street Banbidian
Province (Region)Beijing MunicipalityPostcode (ZIP code)101101
Number of vehicle models in the database (total number of items)0 (2)Fax010-81564403